Tuesday, February 28, 2006

4 in 28 to go!

AJ has two more teeth! The two top ones popped out this last weekend. No wonder he has been fussy and not sleeping well!! He is also pulling himself up on everything. We think he can also say Hi, Ma and Da but we are not sure if they mean what we want them to mean or if he is still just babbling. But he is making progress. He had his check-up for his bronchial and ear infections and got a clean bill of health, something a mother always likes to hear! I can't believe in a little 6 weeks, he will be 1 year old! Where has the time all gone and I haven't even started his scrapbook yet!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Finally feeling better

AJ is finally on the mend. He is feeling much better and other then teething, he is a happy camper.

We spent the weekend with family. We had Katelyn and Heather's birthday party on Saturday and then on Sunday had the Schmitt clan over to celebrate Andy's birthday and Cindy's safe return from her mission trip in the Philippines. It was a great weekend (and I am really enjoying being home on the weekends!).

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Our poor little man!

We found out yesterday that AJ has a nasty cold and an ear infection. After 45 minutes of solid crying and nothing working we headed to the doctors office and that's what our pediatrician found out. So after some ibuprofen and antibiotics he is a happy camper again. But then this morning we had to head back to the doctor. He woke up wheezing and about 10 am he was really having trouble breathing, so I called the nurse and she said to head in right away. He has a bronchial infection and they did a nebulizer treatment and sent us home with one. So every 4 hours we have to use the nebulizer (which he doesn't like). But they said it should clear up within a few days. He is being a trooper though. Despite being sick, he is still in pretty good spirits and still crawling all over the place.

I have added some new pictures to our Yahoo photos. I took some really good ones of his first taste of spaghetti, here's a sample.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Bowl Weekend

AJ has got this crawling thing mastered. Now we definitely can not turn our back on him for a second! He moves so quickly, seems like he has been doing it for ages, not just a week! He is also starting to pull himself up on things. He is going to be walking before we know it and then, look out. He is going to be 10 months old on Tuesday and I can't believe it.

We just got home from a Super Bowl party hosted by our friends Perry and Linsey from church. There were two "friends" of AJ's there to play with as well. Carson, who is 15 months and Evangeline, who is 18 months. Carson and AJ have had play dates before and were really excited to see each other. We had a nice time just relaxing, eating good food and hanging out with friends (this was my first official day not working at Marshall Fields)!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It finally happened...

...AJ is crawling! He still hasn't quite mastered it yet, but he is definitely getting around A LOT faster now! I can't take my eyes off of him for a second! It is quite humorous to watch, as he has his own style. One leg up on his knee and the other stretched out behind him pushing off! He is really proud of himself when he does it. Usually sits down to clap at himself! He is also now able to clap, give five and wave bye-bye. It's amazing how fast they pick up things. He is getting too big, his 1st birthday will be here before we know it!

We spent all day yesterday with Grandma Schmitt, as she is heading to the Philippines today on a Mission trip. She will be gone for 3 weeks and AJ says he is going to miss her terribly. We promised Grandpa Schmitt that we would have him over at least once for dinner so he can spend some time with us (and have a home cooked meal)!

Other then that not much else to report!