Friday, November 10, 2006

It has been a while

It has been a while since my last post. We have had a lot going on. I have had a chance to update our photos and videos as well, so check those out at the right. Alexander is just getting bigger by the minute. At his 18 month check he was in the 46% (32 1/4 inches) for height and 14% (24 1/4 lbs) for weight (which is great, at his 15 month he was only at 6%)! He is doing so well and I can't believe the vocabulary he has, he learns something new everyday. He has also started putting sentences together, not anything long but three or four words. He is running now and has learned how to play hide and seek (or hide as he calls it). The newest trick is telling us No! He must be getting closer to 2. It is amazing how fast they grow!

Turkey day is this week and Christmas is fast approaching. I can't believe the year is almost over! We are spending Thanksgiving with the Schmitt's, so AJ will have cousin Benjamin to play with. Christmas Eve with be spent with the Jankowski/Taufen side (Jen's dad and family). Then Christmas Day will be spent with the Wiederholt clan (Jen's mom and family). We will celebrate with the Schmitt's New Year weekend. We rotate every other year with the Wiederholt's and Schmitt's for Christmas Day. It's nice being able to spend a full day together celebrating.

We hope everything has a wonderful Thanksgiving and has many things to be thankful for this year!