Thursday, July 20, 2006

Watch out, here he comes!

AJ has begun to walk! He took a few steps last week, but really begun moving today! He stood up in the middle of the room and took off. I have some good video of it that I have posted to a new video site (thanks for the idea Jessica) so check that out at the right.

We had his 15 month check up last week and he is doing well. He is only in the 6th % for weight, but considering he doesn't get to eat much, he is doing well. And the nurse measured his height wrong (he shrunk half an inch since last time according to her), but the doctor says he looks tall for his age.

He seems to be learning something new everyday! He says about 20 words and knows signs for book, more, banana and his own version of fan. He can point to the sun, moon, his nose, ears, belly and when you ask him his name he points to himself. He knows what sound a bear and lion make (rarrr), a car makes (bep, bep), an elephant (he puts his hand in the air imitating the trunk but doesn't make the noise and a cat (mew, mew). He is just amazing and I enjoy my time home with him! He loves his pool and his sandbox and always wants to go!

We have had a pretty busy summer. AJ and I spent a week at the cabin over the 4th with my family while Joe was canoeing with Scott. AJ loves boat rides we found out. We spend time at the outdoor pool at the YMCA where AJ is learning to really enjoy the water. We are going to IL in 2 weeks for a party and then staying at a cabin in WI with the Schmitt's, so that should be a lot of fun. I can't believe it is already almost the end of July, where does the summer go.

Hope you are all having a wonderful summer!