Friday, June 23, 2006

We have been busy

I haven't been able to post for a while, things have been really busy around here. Two weekends ago we spent the night in Rochester at Mike, Jessica and Benjamin's house. It was a great time, but I unfortunately forgot my camera, but Jessica took some great pictures of the cousins playing together.

Then this weekend we had Joe's graduation party, which went great. And again like a dope, I forgot to take pictures. But we had a great time despite a little rain. Then on Sunday we celebrated Father's Day with the Schmitt's at Minnehaha Falls Park. Another beautiful day and I have a few pictures to prove it (althought the battery was low, so I couldn't take too many).

Also this last weekend on Friday, Alexander had his first big boy hair cut and boy does he look all grown up! It's amazing what a few inches of hair makes!

This weekend is another crazy weekend. We have a wedding on Friday night and our nephew Benjamin's First Birthday party in Rochester on Saturday. It should be another great weekend spent with family and friends!

Check out all of our new pictures at our photo site on the right and Mike and Jessica's as well if you want to see pictures of the cousins playing together!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Joe Graduates!

We had quite a weekend and are still recovering from it. Our good friends Chris and Amber were married this weekend. Friday night we had the rehearsal and groom's dinner. It was a beautiful night to be outside enjoying a BBQ and good friends. Then Saturday was the wedding. It was an all day affair so we are glad that AJ was able to stay with Oma and Opa(Jen's mom and stepdad) all day and overnight. He had a blast as did we! It was a wonderful wedding, but we were quite exhausted after all the festivities! Then Sunday we got up and had breakfast with the Schmitt clan. Jennifer's (Andy's girlfriend) mom and brother were in town, so we went to meet them.

After that we were off to JOE'S GRADUATION! Joe received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business/Information Technology. It was a wonderful ceremony and we are so proud of him! After the ceremony we took some pictures and then headed to dinner with the Schmitt's. Joe wanted ribs, so we headed to Famous Daves and it was good. After dinner we headed home and just relaxed. It was a busy weekend but full of joyous occasions! I have added all of the pictures to our yahoo account, please check them out.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Good news and bad news

It has been a while since I posted as we were waiting until we went to the doctor to let you all know what has been going on with Alexander. We saw the doctor 3 weeks ago after two urgent care visits in one week for his asthma and he suggested doing some allergy testing. He did the testing and it came back positive for dog, dust, dairy, egg, soy and peanut allergies. He then suggested seeing an allergist to try and get everything figured out.

I wasn't too concerned about the food allergies until I started trying to find things for him to eat! No more cottage cheese (his favorite) or milk and since he is allergic to soy as well, no soy milk either! But I did find some rice milk and he really seems to like it. And speaking of the soy, its in EVERYTHING, so that has been our real challenge. On the positive side though, Joe and I will be eating better as a result because we are doing more shopping in the health food section. It took a couple of weeks, but I think we finally have a handle on the things he can eat. The allergy we were really concerned about is the dog. He is such a part of our lives, we were really worried we would have to give him up. And it would have been hard on all of us, even AJ. He loves his doggie!

We saw the allergist on Wednesday and are as happy with the prognosis as we can be. The bad news, no dairy, soy, eggs or peanut products for at least 2 years, until we do more testing. The good news, we can keep the dog. The doctor feels the dog allergy is really mild and it was the food he was reacting too. He says he thinks his asthma will be much more manageable now that we know what he can't eat! And knock on wood, we haven't had an attack in a month!

Everyone asks, "Well what CAN he eat?" All the fruit and veggies he wants, meat and we found crackers that are safe and Joe is going to try making some bread with egg substitutes and rice milk, so hopefully that will be another to add. The rice milk has added calcium and eating the fruits and veggies will give him the rest of what he needs. We go back to the pediatrician in a month and will talk with him more about vitamins. We were also given an Epi Pen just in case he does come in contact with something he shouldn't. The allergist says that a lot of kids outgrow these allergies around 5 years old, so that is a possibly too. All and all not as bad as it could have been!

Other then that, he is doing amazing! He is really starting to talk up a storm. He can say about 15 words and is learning new ones very fast (Daddy has to learn to be careful of what he says around him). No walking yet, but boy can he crawl fast! He is such a joy and we are so lucky to have been blessed with a really good kid!

We have some big things going on in the next few weeks, the biggest being Joe graduates this Sunday! And his graduation party is on the 17th. We also have our nephew Benjamin's first birthday in a few weeks and will be spending some time in Rochester with them. Jen and AJ are headed to the cabin with her family to celebrate the 4th of July and Joe is off on his usual canoe trip that weekend. We hope you are doing well and enjoying this wonderful summer!

(I have also updated our pictures, so check that link out at the right)