Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wow, it has been a while!

It has been months since my last post, I REALLY need to get better about posting. I can just never seem to find the time to sit down and just post.

Christmas was a blast this year! AJ finally understood what all the fuse was about this year. And we even started teaching him about the true meaning, Jesus' birthday. They had a birthday party at school for him and he wished baby Jesus a Happy Birthday on Christmas morning! He had fun laying out milk and cookies for Santa the night before. And Santa has allergies just like AJ (at least that's what he thinks, makes him feel special to share his allergies with someone so important), so they were allergy free cookies and rice milk. Santa was good to all of us. AJ received the Geotrax train he asked for and mommy received a Kitchen Aid food processor and daddy received an MP3 player. We we able to see all three sides of our family and it was wonderful!

We spent a quiet evening at home for New Year's and I think Joe and I were even in bed before midnight! But the rest of the year has gone well. Our new niece Eva Jane arrived on January 10Th and shares her birthday with her cousin Lexi who turned 4 this year. Eva is so beautiful and it makes me even more excited for our new little one! We decided not to find out what we are having, but AJ is positive it's a baby brother (mommy is pretty sure he is right). We have names picked out for either gender, so we are all set. My first ultrasound looked great! We got some great pictures from it and AJ loves looking at them. He is getting really excited. I have another ultrasound next week, as they couldn't see a few things they wanted, the baby wasn't' cooperating!

AJ and I have both been pretty sick since Christmas, but I now think we are both finally past it (knock on wood). He is growing like crazy and learning even faster! I can't believe in a little over a month our little man is going to be 3. Where has the time gone? We have been keeping busy with school and play dates and just being buddies. We spend as much time with all the grandparents as possible and see the aunts and uncles and cousins as much as we can as well.

We are having a house guest for the next few days, Benjamin is coming to stay with us! Lucky Mike and Jessica are heading off to Hawaii on Thursday for 10 sun filled days. We are very jealous, but AJ is looking forward to having his best buddy here! Well I will try to update all our pictures and videos after Benjamin leaves, I am sure we will have some good ones of the two of them playing! That's all for now.