Saturday, September 02, 2006

What's new?

It has been a while since my last post and I have finally put the link to our videos at the right. I have a few of AJ's first time walking and one of him at the park with Oma and Opa (Jen's mom and stepdad). I have also updated our pictures too, so check those out as well.

He is just getting to be such a big boy. He says about 30 words, knows about 10 signs, can mimic about 10 animal noises and learns something new almost everyday. His favorite new word is No No. He is now starting to run and is very stable on his feet. He LOVES walking and is so proud of himself when he does it! We are feeling very good about his asthma. We seem to finally have it under control (knock on wood). So that is a big relief for us. He is just such a joy and are so blessed to have him!

We went to the State Fair yesterday with Oma, Opa, Auntie Katie, Uncle Todd, Cousin Lexi and meet Auntie Jessica, Uncle Mike and Cousin Benjamin out there. We had a blast. Oma took AJ and Lexi on the Sky Ride and they loved it. AJ also loved the animal barns, especially the horses. He learned to say moo when we were in the cow barn and said pig a few times too. It's just too bad that he can't have any cheese curds, but he will never know what he is missing.

Other then that we are just keeping busy with the usual everyday stuff. We hope every had a wonderful summer!